incident investigation is a vital part of every Health & Safety Management System.

Incident / Accident Investigation / Root Cause Safety Training

In its broadest sense, an “incident” is an event that was not supposed to happen. There is no other activity that produces faster Health & Safety results, than promptly reporting and investigating incidents and/or accidents. For this reason, incident investigations are a vital part of every "Health & Safety Management System.



Last Update: 6/22/2023

Course Overview

This 2 part course was created to show incident / accident investigations serve multiple purposes and are a vital part of any loss control program. The major reason to conduct an investigation is to determine the cause of the accident and implement corrective actions or preventative measures that may prevent similar accidents in the future.

The purpose of incident investigation is not to find fault or fix blame. The twin purposes of an incident investigation are to determine the causes of the incident, and enact corrective measures to prevent a recurrence.

In this course we will discuss incident / accident investigation policies and procedures, personal injuries, first aid injuries, near misses, property damage forms, authorized investigators, investigative techniques, OSHA / MSHA reporting requirements, and more.

What you will learn

  • what is an incident, accident and near miss
  • why it's important to investigate all three
  • the importance of securing the scene and collecting information
  • how to properly interview witnesses as part of your investigation
  • how to properly investigate to determine the "root cause" and corrective actions
  • what to do with the information at the conclusion of the investigation

Course Instructor

Alena Hedge
10 Tutorials 134 Students

World-class training and development programs developed by top teachers. Build skills with courses, certificates, and degrees online from world-class universities



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    David Gea

    5 Months Ago

    World-class training and development programs developed by top teachers. Build skills with courses, certificates, and degrees online from world-class.

  • Author

    Andrew paker

    4 Months Ago

    World-class training and development programs developed by top teachers. Build skills with courses, certificates, and degrees online from world-class.